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The pots still have to be washed!

Well, here goes nothing!

I was the kid who sat watching cooking shows on summer vacation (seriously, one of my childhood memories is sitting on my parents bed, brushing my hair and watching The Frugal Gourmet) and who loved to experiment in the kitchen. My road to being a vegetarian began early - I like to say that I stopped eating meat when I could tell my mom I wasn't going to eat what she made for dinner, the transition probably started when I was about 10 and I was fully pescatarian by the time I turned 13. I gave up shellfish in college when I decided to follow Jewish dietary laws (kosher) and last ate fish on New Years Day 2015. At first I stopped eating meat because I didn't like the taste, over time it became for ethical reasons. Finally, I believe strongly in not asking someone else to do something that I wouldn't do for myself. I don't think I could kill a fish, so I'm not going to ask someone else to do it for me. I am absolutely not a vegan - I love cheese way too much!

Personally, and professionally, I'm a community builder. For me there is no better way to bring people together than over a great meal. So, that is what I do. I build and enhance my community around my dinner table.

I cook most everyday - I love one-pot meals for weekdays. Observing Shabbat, the Jewish Sabbath, is a central part of my life - nearly every week we fill our table with friends and I fill our table with food. These meals tend to be more elaborate and have several dishes (and usually 3 courses). But, my recipes are relatively simple and generally one pot per dish. I love fresh, local vegetables and creative uses of plant-based proteins.

I'm also raising a little vegetarian - one day he will be able to choose for himself what he wants to eat - for now it is thrilling when I ask what vegetable I should make for dinner and he asks for asparagus or brussel sprouts!

Over the last few years I've had people ask for my recipes and encourage me to write this blog. I resisted for a long time. Then I started posting a photo collage for my Friday night dinners on instagram every week and the requests multiplied. So, now, it's time to give it a shot - why not?

When it comes to cooking, I'm terrible at measuring... I've started to figure out how many shakes of this or that equals a teaspoon, but, if something isn't right for you adjust as you please.

The plan is to regularly post weeknight meals, dishes that are part of a bigger meal, and ideas for vegetarian, toddler friendly lunches.

I'm excited you're here to join me on the journey and I look forward to hearing from you, too!


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